Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mary Jo, Katie and Nancy

Mary Jo, Katie and I got together for Mary Jo's birthday.  It's always fun to see your sisters.  They are like rain for my dry soul.  I feel refreshed.

Nancy and I had our 44th Baptismal Anniversary on May 22nd.  We talked for a long time on the phone.  Good memories of the prayers that were answered and our conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It has been a great blessing to us both.


Paula said...

It has been over a year since this note of our return from a long absence; traveling the mid-west and southeast coast. That was followed later to my emergency trip to Missouri to be with Aunt Alice Swertfeger again. She had fallen and broke a hip July 18th, 2015. Unfortunately, her declining health due to inactivity at age 95, did not sustain a recovery. She died August 23, 2015. Paula and I returned in September with our granddaughter, Zoe Snider, to handle all that was left at the family farm. Dale and his son, Quinn and family, came from Texas to help. We had an immediate buyer who we now count as a friend.

Paula said...

Paula didn't write the last comment; Jerry did which may be obvious.