Monday, January 18, 2010

Better Food In Schools

I put a link to Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on my blog here. If you click on it you can sign his petition to the government asking for better, fresh food in the schools. I'm all for that. He did this in Great Britain and things there are so much better in the schools.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Holidays are Wonderful

Even though getting ready for Christmas can take much thought and effort, it is such a great time of year. Now we still feel in the holiday spirit around here. The spirit of family, friends and celebrating life's occurences, even the little daily ones. Whether it's Josie cutting teeth, Kelli's birthday, the deep emotions of Trent Snider's passing and the wisdom it brings to us, or working in the garden, it's all part of our life's experience and as Brigham Young said, "At least you are having experiences." Some we like more than others.