Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summertime is Fun Time Not Blog Time

With the exception of Josie's beautiful slideshow, it's obvious that there hasn't been much to read on any of my family's blogs lately--mine either. We are all too busy living life and enjoying the nice weather. I did go with Nichole to Joy's on the 14th, which was Joy's birthday. We spent two days there. We drove up to the Olympic Peninsula--one of the most beautiful places on Earth. We went to Forks and enjoyed the people of the town the most, because they have embraced the many people who come there because of the "Twilight" Series books by Stephenie Meyer. Even the people on the reservation in La Push were waving at us as we visited the many sites from the books. We also saw Dr. Carlise Cullen's parking space at the hospital--they were nice enough to put a sign up for him (us). It was a heartwarming experience for me, to see them embrace the people, it seemed, more than the trend. I think it was more than the money available to be made, it was in answer to the many, many people who started flocking there. I'm sure they are enjoying the money, too.

We drove South and West then to the Hoh Rainforest, which is also so beautiful. It was only my second visit to the peninsula, but it is still, by far my favorite spot to go.
I could easily spend a lot of my years now just seeing beautiful places like this.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mosiac Maker

I finally had a little fun using Flickr's mosiac maker. Only, the last picture didn't get on there somehow. It was a dolphin with a smile.