Saturday, September 27, 2008

September's Almost Over

It's Saturday morning and I slept in until 6:09 and it feels wonderful! Well, all we got to grow in the garden box was a big zucchinni plant and a huge tomato plant. Now we are reaping the benefits. Jerry also planted some green beans along the fence behind the garage, and another two zucchinni plants--one's up to my waist. I told him, "Next year, only one zucchinni plant." We've been sharing with everyone. They get that look on their face when we ask them if they would like some. We still have just one box out there, but he promises to build 3 more over the winter so we are ready for next spring.

The garage is all painted, finished now. We finished the sheetrock inside the storage room and now Jerry has been having fun making shelves. Won't be long until we can drag all the extra stuff out of the old barn and put it nicely and cleanly on the shelves.

Joy and Nate are coming this next weekend and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Do some baby squeezing, too.

1 comment:

Trac said...

It looks great! Can't wait to see it in person. Yeah!!!!!!